For Lendermarket investors

What is Skin in the Game?

When you’re investing in P2P, you might’ve asked yourself “What is skin in the game?” (Spoiler: No humans nor animals were harmed during the creation of this article).  In this article, we’ll show you what the term itself means, how it applies to any investment and especially P2P lending, and what you can take away …

Investing Tips

5 Best Ways to Invest 100 Euros per Month

If you want to start building wealth, then there’s nothing better than saving and investing money regularly. Just like putting an airplane on autopilot, it allows you to reach your goal without thinking too much (after setting the correct parameters initially). In this article, we’ll show you the 5 best ways to invest 100 Euros …

Company News

Lendermarket Annual Audited Report 2021

We are glad to share the externally audited Lendermarket Limited Annual Report and Financial Statements for the financial year from 30 December 2020 to 29 December 2021. Key highlights In 2021 we grew 280% in terms of platform value and reached €29m by the end of the year, whilst revenues increased 258% to €442k. Our …

Investing Tips

Is it a good idea to take out a loan and invest it?

A common phrase in the investment-sphere is “Don’t risk what you can’t afford to lose”. This implies that you’ll most likely shouldn’t take out a loan to invest with it. But is that really true? In this article, we’ll cover the up- and downsides of investing with a loan – what chances it offers but …


Interview with Enqome– Lendermarket Stars

Welcome to Lendermarket stars, where we bring you the latest news and the greatest insights from industry enthusiasts. This time, we had the pleasure to discuss with Enqome – the personal finance and investing blog. Read on to build your knowledge and let us know what you think in the comments! Hello, it’s a pleasure …

Investing Tips

5 major reasons to invest into real estate

Real estate is one of the biggest financial markets. No wonder, as people need a place to live and work. Homeownership is also by many seen as the pinnacle of freedom, as you don’t have a landlord dictating rules anymore. In this article, we’ll look at 5 major reasons to invest in real estate, and …

For Lendermarket investors

5 important long-term investing benefits

When reading about investing, it’s easy to get carried away with all the advice on: “Buy now, prices are good”, and “prices are dropping crazy fast, better to sell!”. Furthermore, there’s lots of advice on quickly flipping your investments to make money. Also called day trading. Studies have shown, however, that 97% of all day …