Company News Monthly statistics Lendermarket July

Monthly Statistics and Key takeaways (July 2022)

Total Loan Volume Originated shows the amount in euros that the loan originators made available to invest on Lendermarket. The graph below shows the cumulative loan volume originated in the last 6 months on the platform. Number of investors equal users that currently have funds in their investment accounts. The number of investors has been …

Company News Creditstar Group

Creditstar Group’s Audited Annual Report 2021

The Creditstar Group is currently the loan originator issuing the highest volume of loans on Lendermarket. When you decide to fund a P2P loan on our platform issued by Creditstar, then you are in a direct relationship with them in regard to receiving your payments for that loan. For you to gauge the risk and …

Company News

Monthly Statistics and Key takeaways (June 2022)

Total Loan Volume Originated shows the amount in euros that the loan originators made available to invest on Lendermarket. The graph below shows the cumulative loan volume originated in the last 6 months on the platform. Number of investors equal users that currently have funds in their investment accounts. The number of investors has been …

Company News

Monthly Statistics and Key takeaways (May 2022)

Total Loan Volume Originated shows the amount in euros that the loan originators made available to invest on Lendermarket. The graph below shows the cumulative loan volume originated in the last 6 months on the platform. Number of investors equal users that currently have funds in their investment accounts. The number of investors has been …

Company News

Review of the Invest in Stuttgart 2022

A fortnight ago, part of the Lendermarket team was at the Invest in Stuttgart, Germany’s biggest exhibition around all things investing. In this article, we want to give a small review on how the Invest was like for Lendermarket and how you can experience it, even if you weren’t there. Meeting you – our investors …

Company News

Monthly Statistics and Key takeaways (April 2022)

Total Loan Volume Originated shows the amount in euros that the loan originators made available to invest on Lendermarket. The graph below shows the cumulative loan volume originated in the last 6 months on the platform. Number of investors equal users that currently have funds in their investment accounts. The number of investors has been …

Company News

Monthly Statistics and Key takeaways (March 2022)

Total Loan Volume Originated shows the amount in euros that the loan originators made available to invest on Lendermarket. The graph below shows the cumulative loan volume originated in the last 6 months on the platform. Number of investors equal users that currently have funds in their investment accounts. The number of investors has been …

Company News Monthly Statistics and Key takeaways (February 2022)

Monthly Statistics and Key Takeaways (February 2022)

Total Loan Volume Originated shows the amount in euros that the loan originators made available to invest on Lendermarket. The graph below shows the cumulative loan volume originated in the last 6 months on the platform. Number of investors* equal users that currently have funds in their investment accounts. The number of investors has been …