Lendermarket monthly stats
Team Lendermarket

Key Statistics of Lendermarket, for 2020 so far and Q3 2020

We are starting coverage of key statistics of Lendermarket’s business and operations. You can now find quarterly statistics here on the blog.

2020 Q1 — Q3

Value of loans funded: € 29,600,000
Amount of loans funded: 77,000 loans
Interest and delayed interest paid to investors: € 460,000
Investments lost by investors: € 0

2020 Q3

Value of loans funded: € 12,800,000
Amount of loans funded: 32,033 loans
Interest and delayed interest paid to investors: € 188,000
Investments lost by investors: € 0

As of 31.10.2020

Number of investors: 2 021
Number of countries investors are from: 45

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