In order to find out the best approach for your own profile of requirements, you should develop your own investment strategy. To do this, you should answer the following questions:
What is my investment goal?
As mentioned at the beginning, you have to know exactly what you intend to do with the fruits of your investment. If your goal is to grow money for retirement, you should invest very long-term. If your goal is to earn money for a dream trip, you should only invest with the horizon of a few months to a few years. The different time horizons result in completely different criterias. The financial dimension of the investment is also important. At a few thousand euros, the dream trip is much cheaper than securing your retirement, which in many cases can reach into millions.
What is my risk tolerance?
You have to ask yourself to what extent you can deal with volatilities and losses. Investing in a single company may be attractive, but there is a risk of total loss. If you invest in an ETF, you rule out a total loss, but also have a lower chance of return. You have to find a good mix of suitable asset classes and learn something about the possible gains and losses so that you don’t experience any surprises later.
Are new investment opportunities an option for me?
Cryptocurrencies and crowdfunding in particular are currently developing very strongly. In cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum are emerging as leaders of the movement, but there are hundreds of others whose fate is uncertain. This form of investment is only recommended for a long-term investment horizon and a high risk tolerance.
Crowdfunding is more diverse. There are many options for using your money within the investment triangle. Crowdfunding, or collective funding means that many investors contribute small amounts to a large project. There are three forms of crowdfunding: equity, debt, and real estate. With equity investments, the investors acquire part of the company in order to sell it at a profit after a holding period. Debt capital investments are characterized by the fact that the investors finance a loan for a company or an individual borrower for which they receive interest. In the case of real estate, one form of real estate investment is that many investors pool an amount so that they can buy a rental property, which pays a proportional monthly rental income.
A very interesting form of debt crowdfunding is investing in P2P loans. You can find this option on Lendermarket. Investors can invest in small shares of various loan types issued across different countries. Currently, Lendermarket offers the opportunity to invest in real estate-backed business loans, personal loans, and credit lines. A big advantage is that a single investor can already build a diversified portfolio with relatively little money.
Do I want to invest regularly?
Depending on your financial situation, it can make sense to invest money at regular intervals. This helps with building a habit. If you have a permanent job and a good salary, you can automatically invest a part of the savings every month. You can do it with ETF savings plans, which are now offered by many brokers. If you work as a freelancer or don’t have a regular income, you can decide for yourself every month whether and how much to invest.
At Lendermarket you have both options. You can invest regularly and irregularly. With our auto-invest function, you don’t have to constantly look for new investment opportunities. Simply choose an amount – as a standing order or manually – and it will be automatically invested according to the criteria you have chosen.
It is often forgotten that there are fees associated with investing. The more you invest, the more fees you have to pay. It is important to mention that at Lendermarket we don’t charge any fees for your investments. This differentiates us from many providers in the classic area, especially brokers who charge a fee for every purchase and sale.
How much money do I want to invest?
Depending on how quickly you want to reach your goal, you have to adjust the investment amount. If you have just entered your professional life, a low percentage of your monthly savings is sufficient. If you want to go on a trip around the world in five years and can only save 200 euros each month, investing is already a priority.