To achieve a well diversified portfolio, there are a couple of components to consider. Here are the primary components of a diversified portfolio:
Diversifying by mixing different assets
The primary way to diversify your portfolio is by investing your money into different asset classes. This could be bonds, stocks, P2P Investments, real estate, cryptocurrencies, cash, retirement plans, items such as furniture, vehicles, or art.
The lower the correlation between each asset, the better in building a portfolio that can withstand varying markets being impacted and yet still staying strong.
Geographic diversification
When diversifying, it’s not only important to pick different asset classes, but also to buy assets from several countries. This is so your portfolio is less susceptible to changes in regulations or other events that majorly impact a single country.
An example could be you owning real estate solely in Japan and an earthquake destroys the houses, or you holding stock in Chinese companies and the Chinese government forbidding foreign investors to own shares of Chinese companies and restricting access to the Chinese stock market.
So make sure to spread your investment over a variety of different countries and regions.
Adjusting proportions in the portfolio
The ratio of each asset in your portfolio to each other has a big influence on the riskiness of your portfolio and the effectiveness of diversification. For example, stocks are, in general, a riskier asset than bonds. So, the higher the proportion of stocks in your portfolio in relation to the bonds, the more risk it carries.
On the other hand, the higher the weight of the less risky assets, the less risk your portfolio carries overall. To achieve as little exposure of a single asset to your portfolio, and therefore maximize diversification, one could have even shares for all their assets. If your portfolio consists of 5 different assets, then an example of a diversified portfolio could be each asset having 20% of the whole portfolio’s value.