The Rising Opportunity of Microloans in Spain | Lendermarket
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The Rising Opportunity of Microloans in Spain

Ramón Carazo, CFO of Dineo, and Conor Gibney, CEO of Lendermarket, shared with all of us some great insights on the current economic situation in Spain during their webinar at the beginning of July. You can review the webinar recording here.

In the world of microloans, Dineo, a company belonging to the Cash Converter Group, stands as a solid and trusted lender in Spain. With more than 30 years of experience in business, Dineo is well-known for granting micro-loans to consumers. In this blog post, we will summarise Ramón and Conor’s chat, where they dove deeper into Dineo’s lending practices, its onboarding process with Lendermarket, the lending opportunity in Spain, and the attractiveness of the peer-to-peer market for investors.

The Consumer-Focused Approach of Dineo

Dineo is primarily focused on lending to consumers, with 90-95% of their loans being granted to individuals. Their loan amounts range from €50 to €600, with a single installment repayment. This unique product offering appeals to borrowers who have short-term cash needs and prefer the convenience of a one-time payment.

Smooth Onboarding Process with Lendermarket

Dineo’s Chief Financial Officer, Ramón, highlighted the ease and speed of their onboarding process with Lendermarket. Within a month, they were able to review their financials, operations, and reporting to ensure smooth integration with the platform. The thorough audit process and legal checks conducted by Lendermarket also provided a sense of security to both Dineo and its investors.

Dineo’s Growth Plans on Lendermarket

While Dineo currently only deploys a fraction of its loan portfolio on Lendermarket, they view this as a testing phase to familiarise themselves with the platform. Their immediate plan is to advertise their company on the platform and gradually increase their loan volume. Dineo aims to finance half a million euros by the end of the year and launch a new product in Q1 of the following year, which would require a minimum of €1 million. Depending on the success of this new product, they may seek funding of up to €3 million by the end of next year.

The Spanish Lending Opportunity

The demand for quick and reliable loans in Spain is significant, as borrowers often face short-term cash needs and the need to refinance existing debts. Dineo capitalises on this demand by providing accessible loans through its online platform and its network of Cash Converters shops throughout Spain. This combination of convenience and trust in a well-established brand has positioned Dineo as a leading player in the Spanish lending market.

Embracing Growth Prospects

Dineo’s optimism regarding the future of peer-to-peer lending is not without reason. The industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, attracting a diverse range of participants seeking alternative financing solutions. With the rise of digital platforms and advancements in technology, peer-to-peer lending is poised for continued expansion, disrupting the traditional banking landscape.


Peer-to-peer lending remains a relevant and growing asset class, offering flexibility and lower costs compared to traditional banks providing individuals with flexible investment opportunities. Dineo’s positive experience with Lendermarket exemplifies the importance of regulatory oversight and the potential for growth within the peer-to-peer lending industry for loan originators, as more individuals embrace this alternative asset class, the future of peer-to-peer lending looks bright, promising a paradigm shift in the way we access and manage our finances.

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