
Interview with Claus– Lendermarket Stars

We are glad to come back with another Lendermarket Stars interview, this time we talk with Claus from, a P2P lending expert, consultant, and publisher from Germany with more than 17 years of experience writing about investing topics. Tell us a bit about yourself and how and why you started I became interested in …

Investing Tips

Is Your Portfolio as Diversified as You Think it is?

When you’re learning about investment, you’ve probably already heard that it’s important to diversify your portfolio. Perhaps you’ve already implemented that advice and went ahead to create a diverse asset allocation. But is your portfolio really as diversified as you think? In this article, we want to discuss what it means to diversify your portfolio, …

Investing Tips

The 13 most common investor mistakes

Whether you’re just starting on your investment journey or have already collected some experience, there are common mistakes that many investors tend to make. While some of them might just lead to you being able to reach your goal a bit later, others can lose you lots of money. So in this article, we’ll share …


Special Christmas offer

The most wonderful time of the year is around the corner, and Lendermarket team wants to wish you a warm and happy Christmas season! Wrap a gift that your future self will thank you for. Earn an additional bonus of up to 3% on top of the usual 14.1% on loans issued on Lendermarket in …


Interview with Angelo – Lendermarket Stars

Lendermarket Stars series are developed for all of us to learn something new from success stories. In this blog series, we highlight the investment journeys of our investors, as well as financial bloggers and influencers. For this article, we talked with Angelo, one of the best-known P2P investors, Angelo shares his investing journey with the …


Interview with Ebenezer from QuickCheck – Lendermarket Stars

We are super excited to present a special blog post in the Lendermarket start blog series! This time we talk with Ebenezer, a representative of a new Loan Originator in the Lendermarket platform – QuickCheck! Let’s jump straight to the interview and learn more about the new loan originator and what value it brings to …

Investing Tips

What should you know about tax declaration as a retail investor?

Oh, there we go, everyone’s favorite topic: taxes. Jokes aside, doing your taxes and making sure everything is as it should be is an important part of every investors’ work (or their tax accountants). Because, as you know, you don’t want to get in trouble with tax authorities. So in this article we’ll highlight some …

Finance Industry

Understanding Economic Cycles for Better Investing Decisions

Everything comes and goes in waves: The trees blossom, bear fruits, and then drop their leaves until the following spring. The tide of the water rises with the flow and declines with the ebb. These principles that hold true in nature can also be applied to investing. Economic phases follow a cycle, with different phases …