Investing Tips

What should you know about tax declaration as a retail investor?

Oh, there we go, everyone’s favorite topic: taxes. Jokes aside, doing your taxes and making sure everything is as it should be is an important part of every investors’ work (or their tax accountants). Because, as you know, you don’t want to get in trouble with tax authorities. So in this article we’ll highlight some …

Investing Tips Should you invest your business cash in 2022?

Should you invest your business cash in 2022?

Once your business is up and running successfully, it’s inevitable that the positive cash flow will build up some reserves for your company. While keeping a solid chunk of money available to meet expenses is necessary, hoarding excessive amounts can get out of hand and cost you revenue. In this article, we’ll discuss whether or …

For Lendermarket investors Making the most out of Auto Invest

How to make the most out of Auto Invest?

Being able to automatically invest into P2P loans without picking all of them manually is a godsend. That’s what the Auto Invest feature is here to help you with. In the first part of this two-part series we showed you how to set up the tool initially, and in this second part you’ll learn how …

For Lendermarket investors

How to set up your Auto Invest portfolio

The Auto Invest feature of Lendermarket is a handy tool to save you time and allow for more flexibility when investing your money. In the first part of this two-part series, we’ll dive deeper into how to set up your Auto Invest portfolio initially to cover all you need from it. In the second part, …

Investing Tips

How to read a company’s balance sheet?

The balance sheet of a company is their statement of financial position, which is part of the documents needed to assess the financial situation of a company. Why would you need to do that? Analyzing the financial situation of a company comes in handy if you want to weigh your options whether it makes sense …

Investing Tips

5 Ways To Save Money During Times Of High Inflation

When inflation is soaring high, with countries like Germany and Belgium hitting 10%+ and Estonia or Lithuania 20%+, it can eat up savings and leftover cash flow pretty rapidly. In the worst case, this could lead to you needing to take up a loan, to be able to pay for your everyday life. Don’t fret, …

Investing Tips P2P cons and pros

5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer-to-Peer Lending

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is an up-and-coming way of investing that has seen rapid growth in Europe over the last few years. Of course, as with any investment, P2P lending has its pros and cons.  We’ve put together five of the biggest advantages and disadvantages of peer-to-peer lending that you should keep in mind before deciding …